About Lindsey

Wife. Mother. Teacher. Friend. Photographer. Storyteller.

These are all words I typically use to describe myself. However, I know that I am more than all those things. I am strong, yet sensitive. Romantic, while still not taking myself too seriously. When I don't have a camera in my hand, you'll find me wrangling middle schoolers, reading a good book, or watching a little trash tv.

I was once asked what brought me joy - and I thought, "What a silly question? I find joy everywhere!" I find joy in my morning cup of coffee and in my evening trips to the gym. In the giggles of my children and the tunes my husband sings from the kitchen. In the sassy quips of my students, or the deep chats about the things happening in their lives. When I meet new people, or am spending time with old friends. Joy is in the mountain views that surround my home of Roanoke, VA, the waves I am in awe of during my semi-annual beach trips.

Truth is I just love people. I love them so much I can't think of anything better to photograph. I will be your biggest cheerleader while you're in front of my camera; I will write your story, not with words, but with images. So, with that said...call me...I want to get to know you!